LuisSkier has many sites (they are Spanish).
Among them an entertaining blog that you can visit at
It all started some time ago when in 1994 there was a worldwide network to transmit data called the Internet.
I was working in the USA and the cost of each person to be taken there was high. To his salary the diets, cost of accommodation, etc. had to be added. A lot of money, but ... something called email was being used incipiently. It allowed to add files with code, etc. and, as we basically did programming, people worked in Madrid and sent the fruit of their work by 'email'. There we integrated and tested it and, if something had to be corrected, by the same email it was sent to Madrid where it was corrected and re-sent, and so on.In short, tremendous cost savings.
Subsequently, I had my home in the United States but worked in China. As electronic commerce already existed, I bought something from China that I had at home upon arrival. The Internet was also starting to be used to make phone calls, so the cost of my calls was a few dollars, not a few thousand if I had used the traditional medium.
All of the above made me put my nose in this medium and, what was then a simple curiosity has subsequently become my way of life.
In 2000 I created my first website and, an updated version of that is the one you are visiting.
Surely it is the most entertaining website on the Internet.
Also, to learn about LuisSkier's lazy life you can visit:
Important note.- This website will be kept updated until the moment I stretch the leg (which, like everything else, I will try to do without disturbing anyone).
If you are interested in European football (soccer) you can visit This site is dedicated to Real Madrid and, although being 'Merengue' is a genre of life, if you are not, you are also invited (maybe you like that genre)
If you are passionate about 'donkeys' (AKA 'amotorcycles'), but very fond, that is, of those who if necessary sleep with her before you do with your girlfriend or, if you also have a car but only use it if you have to transport heavy packages, while you go in 'donkey' to all parts, do not forget to visit
If you have had something to do with the excellent 'donkeys' of the brand founded by D. Pere Permanyer i Puigjaner and D. Francisco Javier Bultó Marqués (Don Paco for friends), then you should not miss (Site dedicated to MONTESA motorcycles).
If you are interested in purchasing multiple items, all of excellent quality, new or pre-owned and at great prices, then visit
Finally, I use this website in a personal way and it relates all the movies that I have in some digital format. I made it as a practice when I was learning PHP. The site is
Also and as a practice during the learning of PHP I made the following site where you can find information about restaurants, cocktail bars and entertainment venues throughout Spain. The site is: