In Memoriam

In Memoriam

In Memoriam

Heather Fawn M. (Skinny)
Pittsburgh (Pa) - 3/July/1974
Pittsburgh (Pa) - 2/July/1999


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The gambler and the president of the Bank of America An elder woman came into the Bank of America carrying a purse full of money. He insisted in talking to the President to open a saving account because it was a "lot of money".

After arguing for a long while she was taken in front of the President of the Bank (the Customer is always right).

The President asked her how much money she wanted to deposit to what she answered that $165,000, while emptying her purse over the table.

The President’s curiosity rose sharply, so he couldn’t avoid asking:

"Ma’am, I’m surprised you’re carrying so much money with you. From where have you get it?"

To what the elder woman replied: "Well, I place bets".

"Bets?" ,asked the surprised President, "what kind of bets?"

And the woman replied: "Well, for instance, I’d like to bet $25,000 that your "balls" are square!"

The gambler and the president of the Bank of America The President started laughing at her while saying:

"That’s a stupid bet. You cannot ever win with those kind of bets!"

But the woman dared him to accept her bet. "Well, would you accept my bet?"

"Of course!" the President replied, "I bet $25,000 my "balls" are not square!"

"O.K." the elder woman replied, "but, as the amount of money is so high, I’d like to come back tomorrow with my lawyer to act as a witness"

"Of course!" the President answered as confident as he was.

But that night he couldn’t sleep, being very nervous because of the bet. He spent most of the time looking at his "balls" through the mirror to be sure they were not square, ‘till he was convinced that his "balls" were not square at all and that he’ll win the bet.

The gambler and the president of the Bank of America The following morning, at exactly ten o’clock the elder woman and her lawyer showed up at the President’s office. After introducing each other she repeated the bet: "$25,000 the President’s "balls" are square"

The President accepted the bet again, and the old woman asked him to lower his pants so everybody could testify.

The President did so, the old woman approached to him and look carefully to his "balls" asking if he allowed her to touch them.

The President replied: "Well, OK, $25,000 is a lot of money and I understand you want to be completely sure."

Then, he realized the lawyer was hitting his head against the wall and asked what was happening, to what the woman answered:

"Oh, it’s nothing, the only is I had wagered $100,000 with him that today after 10.00 a.m. I'd have the Bank of America President’s "balls" in my hands!"
