That farmer was standing up on the shoulder, with his cow, showing with his right thumb his intentions of being taken for free when that motorist stopped.
"Where do you go?" the motorist asked.
"To the next village" the farmer replied.
"Well, I could take you but what can we do with the cow? This car is so small." said the motorist.
"Old Blakie? Um!... do not worry about her, she will run behind us" the farmer replied.
"Well, if that is the case, get in" the driver told the farmer.
And after the farmer got in the car and put on the seat belt (if not, that stupid warning light will bore you) the car started moving but slowly not to tire the cow.
But the cow started following them without losing a foot.
The driver was getting angry, as he was unable to separate from the cow and was accelerating slightly. At one point, he looked through the rearview mirror and said to the farmer:
"See! The cow is getting fatigued. She is showing her tongue out".
"Well! To what side is the tongue?" the farmer asked.
The driver looked again and answered: "To the left!"
"Well, then slow down a little and pull to the right. That means SHE WANTS TO PASS YOU", said the farmer.