In Memoriam

In Memoriam

In Memoriam

Heather Fawn M. (Skinny)
Pittsburgh (Pa) - 3/July/1974
Pittsburgh (Pa) - 2/July/1999


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We had just landed, and was refuling that "forking copter". As we put the fuel in the "copter", my instructor suddenly slapped the back of his neck. When he looked in his hand, there lying was a large mosquito.
"Louisy" he said "mosquitoes are big this year."
I looked at him and replied, "shit! You don't know what a large one is. One time I was working in a fixed-base operator (a kind of service station for wicked flying devices) and I had 30 gallons of fuel in one before I realized it wasn't a "copter."
Mosquitoes are big this year
