In Memoriam

In Memoriam

In Memoriam

Heather Fawn M. (Skinny)
Pittsburgh (Pa) - 3/July/1974
Pittsburgh (Pa) - 2/July/1999


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LouisyLouis has written, during his journey through this sphere that we call planet Earth, many books.

Why did he started writing?

1. Because he was bored

2. To know why the writers were poor

Yes. LouisyLouis began writing when he finished studying the 'motorized birds' and he thought he had to do something to not get bored.

baby bookThus, in 1997 he began to write in Madrid the first of them, 'The Baby Book', book that collects all the jokes and funny stories that you have heard or that have happened to you in his journey through this long and wide world.

This book, which began to be written in Madrid, was then continued in his den of Pittsburgh (USA), in China, in summary, all over the world, to finally be finished writing in Pittsburgh (USA) on June 21, 1998, first day of the summer of that year (and, by the way, also my birthday). Then, it was printed and bound in the city of Nanjing (China) during the month of August of that year.

For download the book has been divided into two parts.

You can access Part I of this book by clicking HERE.

You can access Part II of this book by clicking HERE.

hwysAs he was it sent to China, to the city of Nanking (Nanjing) to made the remote control system of the Nanjing-Shanghai highway (highway? But if the only car that had it was that mine, bikeway I would tell it) wrote another book to tell what he lived in that city.

Nanjing was not a lost town in the great surface of that country, if not that it was the capital of China until 1937, when the episodes known as 'The Massacre of Nanjing', in what the city was under occupation Japanese and, the capital moved to Chongqing, until at the end of World War II it was again the capital, capitality that kept up until 1949, year in which the capital was transferred to the Beijing city.

Well, even if it was a great city, its inhabitants, a large number of them, today live in a great vpoverty. Well, as I said, I went to made  the control system of the highway from Nanjing to Shanghai, and as on this highway I only saw bicycles, I wrote, in a funny way, about those curiosities that I saw, and I called the result: HWYs for Bicycles, HA!.

You can access your content by pressing HERE.

collHe has collected all the objects used for the noble art of drinking (and having any kind of inscription). He came to collect more than 500 objects of this type.

With each one he made a funny graphic and with all of them he made a book 'The Cool Coll’.

For download the book has been divided into two parts.

You can access Part I of this book by clicking HERE.

You can access Part II of this book by clicking HERE.

laughingMy vocation was to pilot those 'Stupid Powered Birds' and so, when I finished the high school, I applied for the exam to access the military air academy. And I passed. When I told this to my father, who, BTW (by the way) was a tailor and had as customers to many pilots belongeing to the airline 'Iberia' he told me that they were all crazy and denied I went to the air academy.

And as I had to access to any technical (I was a technical person) school at the university I found the ideal one. Industrial Engineers. What did they teach? What was my future there? I do not know but, it had a swimming pool, tennis and soccer fields. Later I found also a tavern to learn to play cards Great!.

It was when working in the USA I was finally able to fly. There it was cheap and very common. Total that everyday I left my customers doing their 'homework' while I went to fly.

With all of my experience with thso 'Stupid Powered Birds' I wrote a book ('Laughing and Thinking Aloft') you can access by clicking HERE.



 I´ve also written a funny book about the city of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania ('Pix, What the Heck is that!'), it history and happenings which took place while I was living there.

Unfortunately this book hasn't been digitized yet. As soon as it's ready I'll place the link here.


Louisy with planeTo end I ve written my biography, bu listen, don't think that by being a biography its bored, it is the story of my life and it has been, as they say, a joke.

This biography (in Spanish), as I haven't kicked the bucket yet will be updated from time to time.

You can access by clicking HERE.

To download any book.-

  1. Click the link for the book you wish to download.
  2. This will appearIn the upper-left corner you will see ‘FILE’.
  3. A sub-menu will appear. Pick 'Download as' and another sub-menu will appera for you to `pick the wished format.
  4. Once you have selected the format a window will appear (it will take some time to prepare the document for the window to appear, so, Be patient!). The window will allow you to navigate the PC to pick the download folder.
  5. Click the button 'OK'
